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Alpha Catalyst CRE is your guide to generating alpha. Our vision is to transform the commercial real estate landscape by integrating advanced data science, quantitative investment research and first principles thinking, setting new standards in Multifamily CRE investor returns.

Owners miss key value-creation opportunities within the maze of the disjointed investment lifecycle - leaving millions on the table.


At Alpha Catalyst, we know where the sink holes within the MF
maze are hiding and how to enable scaled solutions that
produce exceptional ROIC...

Key Problems

Limited Property Insight

Owners lack regular, actionable insights into their property's value, performance, and root causes, leaving them in the dark.

Suboptimal Performance

Without actionable insights, optimizing property performance becomes impossible.

Skills and Competency Gaps

Even if owners become aware, internal teams lack the expertise to execute and depend on too many external parties.

Archaic Processes, Void of Innovation

Outdated processes hinder streamlined operations, resulting in poor property insight, vacuumed advice, delays, and other inefficiencies.


Although flawed, the system remains profitable, leading to complacency in addressing inefficiencies.

Nail in Coffin: Misaligned, Biased Brokers

Brokers often have misaligned incentives, driven by self-interest rather than client success leading to poor owner outcomes

Our Vision

At Alpha Catalyst CRE, we firmly believe that by integrating 1) advanced data science and 2) first principles thinking, we can fundamentally transform the commercial real estate sector, setting new standards in asset transformation and investor returns and pioneering a new path of innovation and efficiency in how properties are transformed to deliver exceptional returns.

Powered by our AlphaIQ technology, our mission is to transform the Multifamily CRE landscape by establishing ourselves as a full-360, one-stop provider for the entire investment lifecycle. We aim to replace the fragmented, misaligned, and biased current service offerings received by owners with a 360 solution that maximizes ROIC for 100% of multifamily property owners. Our commitment is to be the preeminent partner and lifelong guide, unlocking hidden alpha for our clients. A true alpha catalyst.

Founded by CRE visionary, Yuriy Gelfman, & supported by a team of elite experts with decades of experience in CRE, asset management, technology, and innovation.

Introducing… The Alpha Engine

ACCRE combines data science, automation, and expert insights to provide a holistic approach to full lifecycle MF asset value optimization. As a vertical service provider, we offer end-to-end support, ensuring owners can rely on Alpha Catalyst CRE to efficiently and effectively optimize every multifamily asset in their portfolios - irrespective of which specific combination of problems ails each asset.

Our proven process systematically transforms underperforming properties into high-value assets through meticulous analysis, strategic acquisition, and targeted value-add initiatives, delivering consistent and superior returns. Our philosophy is grounded in adaptability and foresight, enabling us to stay ahead of market trends and provide our clients with strategic, data-driven investment solutions that are built to yield higher risk-adjusted returns vs. mass-market peers.

Receive a comprehensive 360 review of your property’s performance including property valuation, performance gaps, and service recommendations across the property lifecycle. whether that’s...

  • Asset Management

  • Debt Refinancing / Capital Markets

  • Disposition

  • Acquisition & Capital Redeployment


Review reccomendations and form a plan with your ACCRE advisor. Chat with an advisor about your goals and review your AlphaIQ diagnostic so you can understand your options. Together, you’ll form an Asset360 Plan...


Choose Alpha Catalyst as your partner for one or multiple of our services. We’ll be your partner & guide to alpha generation across your unique phase in the investment lifecycle.



Anchored by a culture of collaboration, excellence, entrepreneurial innovation, passion, and integrity.


Ensuring assessments are objective, consistent, anticipatory and value-additive.


Day 1 innovation ethos.

First Principled Thinkers

Commitment to ethical practices, prioritizing the right actions over short-cuts every step of the way.

High-Integrity Partners

Let’s Discuss Your Investment Goals

Your investment goals are our priority, and we’re excited to discuss how Alpha Catalyst CRE can help you achieve exceptional alpha returns.